Sunday, December 7, 2008

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Cheeky the Chicken (just for you Val)

Cheeky's Place. It used to be an old science lab desk but Paul worked his magic on it!

She's a Rhode Island Red apparently!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Life at the pad

Georges first go on the Biscuit (rubber ring thing that goes on the back of the boat)

Georges new pals from next door - Toby (on the left), Jonty (middle), and George
on the right. Toby is one week older than George.
The chef at work.
Stand back, Paul is about to light the barbeque for the first time!

Sunday, November 9, 2008

The Water Gardens

This is the water gardens at Rapaura. This is also in the Coromandel Penninsular and quite a spiritual experience.

The Boat

(Pauls new toy!)
This is "Finisterra", our little boat....She's old, but sweet! We've had a few teething problems with her - the throttle cable jammed on our inaugural voyage, which was a bit scary, but Paul the mechanic has fixed her now (see, all those hours of fiddling with his motorbike paid off)

Monday, November 3, 2008

The House (and street)

Kitchen/dining/back room - cor, i really should of tidied up!

Front room

Back of house (and Pauls other new toy - the barbeque)

Down the street

Up the street

Front of house

'Tis us in the Coromandel

Me and my Boy

This is why it's called Cathedral Cove

George being George

Hahei Beach

Coromandel Peninsula

Coromandel Peninsula - what a view!

This is us in the Coromandel Peninsula, Cathedral Cove!! It is a beautiful part of New Zealand
and just about 2 hours from Hamilton.